RIP Misha the aardvark
Who died in a fire in a big park
Actually it was a zoo
But zoo doesn’t rhyme so park will do

Tom Petty
Was fond of spaghetti
But he’s curled up his feet y’all
So he’s had his last meatball
Oh no!
Bad news to which I’m awoken.
I truly am

Tony Booth
Scouse Git
Now goes
In the pit.

Great balls of fire!
Jerry Lewis is dead
Oh no wait, it’s not him
It’s some other bloke instead.

He rode out on a horse
In a star-spangled rodeo,
But now it is time
For Glen Campbell to go.
His last album was called Adios
It’s almost like he knew!
No more rhinestone cowboy
Or meatballs for your stew
Campbell is a make of soup
And also was Glen’s name
But though he’s died of Alzheimer’s
The soup remains the same.
The Wichita Lineman,
no longer on the line


He went with his dog for some cheese on the moon
He wore the wrong trousers but caught the crook soon
And then with a sheep he had a close shave
But now Peter Sallis will rest in his grave.

Gregg Allman
Was all man
But the guy who played the theme to Top Gear
Is no longer here.

Is no more.
The Saint
Now ain’t.

Chris Cornell
Led Audioslave.
Time to put him
In the grave.
He also was in
Sound Garden
But now his corpse will
Soon harden
Chris Cornell,
He felt outshined
And now he’s left,
This world behind.

Martin McGuinness
Led Sinn Fein
Now he won’t

David Rockefeller
Made a lot of wonga
But now he isn’t with us
Any longer.

He wanted you to play
With his ding-a-ling
But now Chuck Berry
Has become nothing.

Sir Peter Mansfield
Won a Nobel prize,
But in the end
Everyone dies.

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson
Was a Socialite by career.
I don’t know what that is,
Maybe a bit like Jeremy Corbyn but without the beard.

Hans Rosling’s death
Drove me ballistic.
Now he’s just
Another statistic.

Say farewell
To Peter Sarstedt
Who died, not last year,
But this year instead.

The year of death has stricken dread
In every famous man and woman.
Now, Twenty Sixteen itself is dead.
Wonder who saw that one coming.