Grimsby Fair

Are you going to Grimsby Fair? 

Haddock, hake, cod, herring and sole 

Remember me to one who works there 

She once let my eel in her hole. 


See for me that her hair is a mess 

Haddock, hake, cod, herring and plaice 

And that her dress is dirty and torn 

I once let her sit on my face. 


Tell her to go to the chemist at once 

Haddock, hake, cod, herring and sprat 

To ask for her some camomile lotion 

Or she’ll have an itch on her twat. 


Tell her to find me a house by the docks 

Haddock, hake, cod, herring and shrimp, 

And live in there with all of her sisters, 

I will make them rich as their pimp. 


Are you going to Grimsby Fair? 

Haddock, hake, cod, herring and dab 

You will have the time of your life there, 

Only if you don’t mind the crabs 



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